School Resources
It's YOUR life they may be saving one day...
For Educators of Grades 6-12
The American Heart Association provides you with materials, teaching aids and online resources to start a program at your schools. Training high school students prior to graduation can add millions trained rescuers and create our next generation of lifesavers.

Teacher Testimonial
"The best thing for me has been seeing the change in the students. Many of the students had doubts coming in but you could see their faces light up when they realized they could actually save a life."
– Kathy Moshier, Assistant Principal,
Desert Willow Intermediate School, Palmdale, CA
CPR in Schools Training Kit
Teach students lifesaving CPR skills by using this all-in-one kit. Learning how to save a life will change yours.
Read the CPR in Schools Training Kit Frequently Asked Questions

Cardiac Emergency Response Plan
A cardiac emergency response plan is a written document that establishes specific steps to reduce death from cardiac arrest in school settings. A carefully orchestrated response to cardiac emergencies will reduce deaths in school settings, and ensure that chaos does not lead to an improper or no response. Preparation is the essential key to saving lives.