Be the Beat
The American Heart Association is committed to creating the Next Generation of Heartsavers™ through our Be the Beat Hands-Only CPR programs. Be the Beat provides free resource tools to help start and sustain Hands-Only CPR and AED training programs in communities so that one or more people in each household knows this lifesaving skill.
Learn to "Be the Beat" and perform Hands-Only CPR if they see a teen or adult suddenly collapse. If you are called on to perform CPR in an emergency, you will most likely be trying to save the life of someone you love: a child, a spouse, a parent, or a friend.

Hands-Only CPR Lifesaver Mash Up
The American Heart Association collaborated with DJ Earworm in this catchy mix of popular songs that have the right rate to guide compressions for Hands-Only CPR.
All songs in the AHA 'Don't Drop the Beat' playlist are between 100 - 120 beats per minute, the same rate at which you should perform compressions when administering CPR. Also, Fine-tune your health with these 5 music ideas.
2-Steps to Save a Life
Learn the simple 2 Steps to Save a Life with Hands-Only CPR and learn about how to use an AED with Hands-Only CPR + AED. It could help you save a life.
Don’t Drop the Beat
All songs in the AHA Don't Drop the Beat' playlist are between 100 - 120 beats per minute, the same rate at which you should perform compressions when administering CPR. Also, Fine-tune your health with these 5 music ideas. Be the Beat now!
Let’s create a Nation of Heartsavers™ today. Subscribe to the Health & Safety newsletter.
Stories from the Heart
Emma's Story
Shelby's Story
Justin's Story
Learn CPR. Save a Life.
These easy-to-use CPR Training Kits contain everything you need to learn the lifesaving skills of adult and child CPR, how to use an AED, and how to help an adult or a child during choking-related emergencies. Each training kit option comes with customized topics can be completed for 10 to 20 people in less than one hour.