Community Resources
Use our resources to help your community learn CPR and save lives!
Presidential Advisory coming soon

School Resources
For Educators of Grades 6-12The American Heart Association provides you with materials, teaching aids and online resources to start a program at your schools. Training high school students prior to graduation can add millions trained rescuers and create our next generation of lifesavers.

University Toolkits
CPR in Universities #CPRsaveslivesThe CPR in Schools Training Kit™ is an educational program that provides a unique opportunity for college students to bring CPR training to their campuses. Whether you are an athlete, member of a Greek organization, resident assistant, student government officer, club member, or interested student, we encourage you to keep reading and review all of the documents in this toolkit.

CPR in Schools: First Aid
This educational, easy-to-use program is designed to teach middle and high school students, teachers, and staff the first aid skills they need to be prepared to act in an emergency.
Recursos para hispanohablantes en EEUU
Porque las emergencias pueden ocurrir en cualquier momentoLos programa de aprendizaje de la American Heart Association sobre reanimación cardipulmonar (RCP) y uso del desfibrilador externo automático (DEA) ayudan a aumentar las tasas de supervivencia, ya que entrenan a las personas como usted a responder con rapidez. La triste realidad es que la mayoría de las víctimas de paro cardíaco no sobreviven. El umbral de oportunidad para que una persone actúe antes de que sea demasiado tarde es de cuatro a seis minutos, pero menos de un tercio de las víctimas de paro cardíaco reciben RCP de las personas que están cerca.