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The Young and the Restless of Atlanta - Young Stroke Support Group

Caregivers, Survivors, Medical Professionals

Meeting Type:: In-Person + Virtual


  • Chastain Park
  • 4920 Roswell Rd NE Suite 36
  • Atlanta, Georgia 30342


  • Dr. Shilpa Krishnan, PT
  • (412) 759-7424
  • [email protected]
  • Preferred Contact Method: Email

Meeting Details


This young stroke group will continue to offer a forum for listening and sharing. Our goal is to provide a safe place to practice social and life skills and receive education from guest speakers. We all receive inspired learning from others as they face a lifelong disability with many challenges.


Young does not mean age, it relates to heart!

Contact Shilpa krishnan for zoom link.



Activity program, Caregivers welcome, Educational support, Emotional support, Online support, Regular Meetings, Social support, Telephone Support, Therapeutic/Rehabilitation, In-person support


Open to anyone in the community, Stroke (hemorrhagic) survivors, Stroke (ischemic) survivors, Traumatic brain injury, Young survivors only

Please contact the support group before arriving to confirm meeting location, date, and time.

Disclaimer: Our stroke support group registry includes groups that are independent of American Stroke Association. Discussion topics do not necessarily reflect the views of the American Heart Association/American Stroke Association.