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Different Strokes Support Group - Meadville

Caregivers, Survivors, Medical Professionals

Meeting Type:: In-Person Meeting


  • Meadville Medical Center
  • 1 Vernon Place
  • Meadville, Pennsylvania 16335


Meeting Details

  • First Tuesday of each month
  • 2:00 PM - 4:00 PM
  • Rm 201


Speaker for the first hour, for the second hour break up into separate groups, caregivers and family in one group and stroke survivors in an group.


One of the group goals is to educate the community, and we do that by community outreach: The Crawford County Fair, senior fest at the local senior centers. We have an annual stroke awareness walk in May.


Social support, Educational support, In-person support


Stroke (hemorrhagic) survivors, Stroke (ischemic) survivors

Please contact the support group before arriving to confirm meeting location, date, and time.

Disclaimer: Our stroke support group registry includes groups that are independent of American Stroke Association. Discussion topics do not necessarily reflect the views of the American Heart Association/American Stroke Association.