Find a Course Map Support

Are you having issues with your course results loading on this map?

Turn off your location services (directions below) and refresh your browser.


  1. Select the Chrome Menu Button (3 dots or =)
  2. Select Settings
  3. Scroll down and select Advanced
  4. Under Privacy and Security, select Site settings…
  5. Navigate to the Location section
  6. Click the slider for Ask before accessing (Recommended)


  1. In the URL bar, enter about:config
  2. You will see a “This might void your warranty” warning. Click I accept the risk!
  3. In the search bar, enter geo.enabled
  4. Double click on the geo.enabled preference so that the value becomes false

IE 11:

  1. Select the Gear Icon
  2. Select Internet Options
  3. Select the Privacy tab
  4. Under “Location”, check the box for Never allow websites to request your physical location Next to the box for “Never allow websites to request your physical location”, select Clear Sites to remove old sites which have access to your physical location.

Microsoft Edge:

  1. On your Windows 10 Desktop, hit Win + A to open Action Center
  2. Select All Settings > Privacy > Location
  3. Click the Location Service slider to turn it off
  4. Scroll down to Location History
  5. Under Clear history on this device, click Clear

Apple Safari:

  1. Select Safari in the top left corner of the browser
  2. Select Preferences…
  3. In the Privacy tab, under Website Tracking, make sure Prevent cross-site tracking and Ask websites not to track me are checked


  1. In the URL bar, enter about:config
  2. On the left-side menu bar, select Websites
  3. Scroll down to Location and select Do not allow any site to track my physical location