Table 2. GRADE Terminology

Table 2. GRADE Terminology
Risk of bias Study limitations in randomized trials include lack of allocation concealment, lack of blinding, incomplete accounting of patients and outcome events, selective outcome reporting bias, and stopping early for benefit. Study limitations in observational studies include failure to apply appropriate eligibility criteria, flawed measurement of exposure and outcome, failure to adequately control confounding, and incomplete follow-up.
Criteria for inconsistency in results include the following: Point estimates vary widely across studies; CIs show minimal or no overlap; statistical test for heterogeneity shows a low P value; and the I2  is large (a measure of variation in point estimates resulting from among-study differences).
Sources of indirectness include data from studies with differences in population (eg, OHCA instead of IHCA, adults instead of children), differences in the intervention (eg, different compression-ventilation ratios), differences in outcome, and indirect comparisons.
Low event rates or small sample sizes will generally result in wide CIs and therefore imprecision.
Publication bias Several sources of publication bias include tendency not to publish negative studies and the influence of industry-sponsored studies. An asymmetrical funnel plot increases suspicion of publication bias.
Good practice statements Guideline panels often consider it necessary to issue guidance on specific topics that do not lend themselves to a formal review of research evidence. The reason might be that research into the topic is unlikely to be located or would be considered unethical or infeasible. Criteria for issuing a nongraded good practice statement include the following: There is overwhelming certainty that the benefits of the recommended guidance will outweigh harms, and a specific rationale is provided; the statements should be clear and actionable to a specific target population; the guidance is deemed necessary and might be overlooked by some providers if not specifically communicated; and the recommendations should be readily implementable by the specific target audience to which the guidance is directed.

GRADE indicates Grading of Recommendations, Assessment, Development, and Evaluation; IHCA, in-hospital cardiac arrest; and OHCA, out-of-hospital cardiac arrest.)